

package saddle


Saddle is a Scala Data Library.

Saddle provides array-backed, indexed one- and two-dimensional data structures.

These data structures are specialized on JVM primitives. With them one can often avoid the overhead of boxing and unboxing.

Basic operations also aim to be robust to missing values (NA's)

The building blocks are intended to be easily composed.

Additionally, there are some numerical utilities: eg, a fast suite of org.saddle.util.Random number generators).

The foundational building blocks are:

Inspiration for Saddle comes from many sources, including the R programming language, the pandas data analysis library for Python, and the Scala collections library.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. saddle
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Buffer[T] extends AnyRef

    Buffer provides a mutable data structure specialized on several primitive types.

  2. type CLM[C] = ClassTag[C]

    Shorthand for class manifest typeclass

  3. class Frame[RX, CX, T] extends NumericOps[Frame[RX, CX, T]] with Serializable

    Frame is an immutable container for 2D data which is indexed along both axes (rows, columns) by associated keys (i.

  4. trait Index[T] extends Serializable

    Index provides a constant-time look-up of a value within array-backed storage, as well as operations to support joining and slicing.

  5. trait Mat[A] extends NumericOps[Mat[A]] with Serializable

    Mat is an immutable container for 2D homogeneous data (a "matrix").

  6. type NUM[C] = Numeric[C]

    Shorthand for numeric typeclass

  7. type ORD[C] = Ordering[C]

    Shorthand for ordering typeclass

  8. type ST[C] = ScalarTag[C]

    Shorthand for scalar tag typeclass

  9. class Series[X, T] extends NumericOps[Series[X, T]] with Serializable

    Series is an immutable container for 1D homogeneous data which is indexed by a an associated sequence of keys.

  10. trait Vec[T] extends NumericOps[Vec[T]] with Serializable

    Vec is an immutable container for 1D homogeneous data (a "vector").

Value Members

  1. def *: SliceAll

    Syntactic sugar, placeholder for 'slice-all'

    Syntactic sugar, placeholder for 'slice-all'

    val v = Vec(1,2,3, 4)
    val u = v(*)
  2. object Buffer

  3. object Frame extends BinOpFrame with Serializable

  4. object Index extends Serializable

  5. object Mat extends BinOpMat with Serializable

  6. object Panel

    Convenience constructors for a Frame[RX, CX, Any] that accept arbitrarily-typed Vectors and Series as constructor parameters, leaving their internal representations unchanged.

  7. object Series extends BinOpSeries with Serializable

  8. val UTF8: String

    Constant used in string byte-level manipulation

  9. object Vec extends BinOpVec with VecStatsImplicits with VecBoolEnricher with Serializable

  10. package array

    This package contains utilities for working with arrays that are specialized for numeric types.

  11. package buffer

  12. def clock[T](op: ⇒ T): (Double, T)

    Allow timing of an operation

    Allow timing of an operation

    clock { bigMat.T dot bigMat }
  13. package groupby

  14. package index

  15. package io

  16. package locator

  17. package mat

  18. object na

    na provides syntactic sugar for constructing primitives recognized as NA.

  19. package ops

    Provides type aliases for a few basic operations

  20. implicit def pair2Slice[T](p: (T, T)): SliceDefault[T]

    Syntactic sugar, allow '->' to generate an (inclusive) index slice

    Syntactic sugar, allow '->' to generate an (inclusive) index slice

    val v = Vec(1,2,3,4)
    val u = v(0 -> 2)
  21. implicit def pair2SliceFrom[T](p: (T, SliceAll)): SliceFrom[T]

    Syntactic sugar, allow ' -> *' to generate an (inclusive) index slice, open on right

    Syntactic sugar, allow ' -> *' to generate an (inclusive) index slice, open on right

    val v = Vec(1,2,3,4)
    val u = v(1 -> *)
  22. implicit def pair2SliceSingle[T](k: T): SliceDefault[T]

    Provides for one-element slicing, e.

    Provides for one-element slicing, e.g.

    val v = Vec(1,2,3, 4)
    val u = v(1)
  23. implicit def pair2SliceTo[T](p: (SliceAll, T)): SliceTo[T]

    Syntactic sugar, allow '* -> ' to generate an (inclusive) index slice, open on left

    Syntactic sugar, allow '* -> ' to generate an (inclusive) index slice, open on left

    val v = Vec(1,2,3,4)
    val u = v(* -> 2)
  24. package scalar

  25. implicit def seqToFrame[RX, CX, T](s: Seq[(RX, CX, T)])(implicit arg0: ST[RX], arg1: ORD[RX], arg2: ST[CX], arg3: ORD[CX], arg4: ST[T]): AnyRef { def toFrame: org.saddle.Frame[RX,CX,T] }

    Augments Seq with a toFrame method that returns a new Frame instance.

    Augments Seq with a toFrame method that returns a new Frame instance.

    For example,

    val t = IndexedSeq(("a", "x", 3), ("b", "y", 4))
    val f = t.toFrame
    res0: org.saddle.Frame[java.lang.String,java.lang.String,Int] =
    [2 x 2]
          x  y
         -- --
    a ->  3 NA
    b -> NA  4

    Type of row index elements of Frame


    Type of col index elements of Frame


    Type of data elements of Frame


    A value of type Seq[(RX, CX, T)]

  26. implicit def seqToIndex[X](ix: Seq[X])(implicit arg0: ST[X], arg1: ORD[X]): AnyRef { def toIndex: org.saddle.Index[X] }

    Augments Seq with a toIndex method that returns a new Index instance.

    Augments Seq with a toIndex method that returns a new Index instance.

    For example,

    val i = IndexedSeq(1,2,3)
    val s = i.toIndex

    Type of index elements


    A value of type Seq[X]

  27. implicit def seqToSeries[T, X](s: Seq[(X, T)])(implicit arg0: ST[T], arg1: ST[X], arg2: ORD[X]): AnyRef { def toSeries: org.saddle.Series[X,T] }

    Augments Seq with a toSeries method that returns a new Series instance.

    Augments Seq with a toSeries method that returns a new Series instance.

    For example,

    val p = IndexedSeq(1,2,3) zip IndexedSeq(4,5,6)
    val s = p.toSeries

    Type of data elements of Series


    Type of index elements of Series


    A value of type Seq[(X, T)]

  28. implicit def seqToVec[T](s: Seq[T])(implicit arg0: ST[T]): AnyRef { def toVec: org.saddle.Vec[T] }

    Augments Seq with a toVec method that returns a new Vec instance.

    Augments Seq with a toVec method that returns a new Vec instance.

    For example,

    val s = IndexedSeq(1,2,3)
    val v = s.toVec

    Type of elements of Vec


    A value of type Seq[T]

  29. package stats

  30. package time

    Functionality to assist in TimeSeries related operations

  31. package util

    Additional utilities that need a home

  32. package vec

    Factory methods to generate Vec instances

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
